We are delighted to welcome Eli Joseph, Madison Slobin and Sherri Wise as new board members at JFS. They each bring impressive skills, experience, and passion to our team.

Eli Joseph
Eli is a Senior Commercial Account Manager at RBC Royal Bank, where he had the opportunity to grow through a variety of roles over the past 18 years. Eli acted as a financial advisor to both personal, small business and commercial clients advising on a range of financial topics including mortgages, investments and commercial lending. Over the years Eli has had the privilege of volunteering with many different organizations in the Jewish community, including serving as President of the Sephardic Beth Hamidrash Congregation. Currently he is a member of the board of Hebrew Free Loan Association and works closely with BeYachad BC supporting and welcoming new immigrants to our community.

Madison Slobin
Madison is currently in the role of Lifelong Connections Coordinator at Vancouver Aboriginal Child & Family Services (VACFSS). In her free time Madison loves to create different avenues for young Jews to connect with culture and community. She is the co-founder and organizer of Hamakom, a Beit Midrash (House of Learning) for Jews and allies to engage in Jewish learning and ritual together. She is also the founder of YVR Yenta, a modern matchmaking collective using old traditions to help locals find modern love. Additionally, Madison co-coordinates Shiva Delivers- Jews in Solidarity with Black Grief, a yearly initiative that delivers Shiva meals to Black households to commemorate the yahrzeit of George Floyd and the countless other Black lives claimed by state violence. Madison currently sits on the board of Habonim Dror Camp Miriam and occasionally does some advising for Habonim Dror North America, where she used to work in New York City. Madison loves fighting for justice, the Pacific Northwest, smoothies, Jewish spiritual technology, and watching reality dating shows with her friends.

Sherri Wise
Dr. Sherri Wise was born and raised in Winnipeg, and attended Northwestern University Dental School in Chicago before moving to Vancouver to set up her dental practice in 1996. Sherri is a member of the Canadian Dental Association, American Dental Association and is an active member of the Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity. She helped establish the dental clinic at Louis Brier Home and makes it a point to ensure patients in need do not have barriers to accessing dental care. Her work in the community also includes volunteerism with Talmud Torah School, King David High School, and the JFS Food Bank. She has also served as Co-Chair for Choices and JFS Innovators Lunch for the past six years. When Sherri isn’t spending time with her daughter and volunteering in the community you might catch her on a Canadian or US stage where she’s sharing her story of survival as keynote speaker.