Celebrating Volunteers Who Bring Compassion to Life

On September 4th, volunteers from all JFS programs were celebrated and thanked at a special Volunteer Appreciation event.

JFS staff welcomed our wonderful volunteers to the Vancouver Jewish Community Garden for an evening of light refreshments, entertainment, and a chance to celebrate the many achievements that have been made possible by these dedicated individuals.

Charlotte Katzen, the 2023 recipient of the Paula Lenga Award for exemplary volunteer service, spoke briefly on her experiences volunteering with JFS. Most of all, Charlotte emphasized the benefit of volunteering from the perspective of a volunteer. “I believe volunteering is the most humbling experience of all.  It teaches us to be kind, compassionate and thoughtful.”

We are so grateful that people choose to volunteer with us and co-create a community focused on Tikkun Olam and uplifted lives.

Every week, dozens of volunteers prepare and deliver groceries and meals, support older adults so they can age at home, and guide JFS’ strategic direction. Each task, seemingly different, is bound by a common thread: a gift of heartfelt care, unity, a radiant smile, and a resolute commitment to uplift those around us.

To all of our volunteers, we extend our sincere gratitude.

"Thank you for the amount of work and energy that you pour into volunteering with us. We wouldn't be able to do so much of what we do and have the outreach to our clients without your help. From those who help behind the scenes packing grocery bags and meals, to those who deliver directly to our clients and bring a smile to their faces, we appreciate you all!" -- Stephanie W., JFS Staff Member

"Dear volunteers, the compassion you show to the people we serve is an inspiration for us all. You treat everyone with respect and kindness, no matter what the situation is. We all know how stressful it can be for the people who find themselves in need of the services we provide, and your words and actions go a long way toward helping them keep their dignity. I just want you to know that your work hasn't gone unnoticed. Thank you for all that you do." -- Irena G., JFS Staff Member

"None of us at JFS could do our jobs to their fullest capacities without the enormous help and guidance of our wonderful volunteers. Thank you for everything that you do and all of the time that you give." -- Tamar S., JFS Staff Member


If you would like to join our team of volunteers dedicated to creating a compassionate and inclusive community, you can find out more or apply online.