Thank you for your commitment to uplifting lives and ensuring care, compassion, and dignity for all. This work would not be possible without your support.
Your monthly donations will help provide stable funding for vital programs and services provided by JFS, including food, housing assistance, and home care to those who are most vulnerable in the community, enriching programs for seniors, and counseling services and support for many individuals.
“The best thing about being a monthly donor is that people have ongoing needs – we can’t help this week & abandon them the next.” – David and Clara, JFS monthly donors
To donate by credit card, fill out the form below. For direct debit from your bank account, please call 604-558-5715 or send a void cheque and a note that you'd like to start a monthly donation to:
JFS Vancouver
Re: Monthly Mitzvah Giving
#320-2285 Clark Drive
Vancouver, BC V5N 3G9
To change the donation amount of your current monthly gift, contact us at or 604-558-5715 and we’ll be happy to help you.